Theology, Dogma & Rites
St. Athanasius the Apostolic
St. Cyril of Alexandria
Twelve Apostles
H.H. Pope Shenouda III
Ibn Kabar
Bulus Al-Bushi
Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty
- A Panoramic view of Patristics (Summary for Youth)
- A Panoramic view of Patristics in the First Six Centries
- Alexandrian “Mia-Physis”
- Christology
- Divine Providence
- Dogmas and Church Life
- God
- Introduction to Patrology
- Is there a Divine Justice?
- Man and Redeption
- Pope Peter of Alexandria
- St. Mary in the Orthodox Concept
- Summary of Antochian and Syrian Fathers
- Apostolic Fathers
- The Church
- The Divine Grace
- Fathers of the Early Church
- Gift of the Holy Spirit
- School of Alexandria: Before Origen
- School of Alexandria: Origen
- The School of Antioch
- Terms “Physis” and “Hypostasis” in the Early Church
- Theological Thought According to the School of Alexandria
- Theological View on the Second Millennium: Jubilee
- Tradition and Orthodoxy
- Why Orthodoxy – Orthodoxy and the Contemporary Believer